Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Change of Plans

We had our staff meeting for Gracious today. We are a little short on staff. Right now, there is only the headmaster (who also teaches), three other teachers, a secretary (who is leaving for college in February), and another American, Paul Simons (but he will be assisting teachers, not teaching).

There are a lot of subjects to teach, and not a lot of people to teach them.

As a result, I will be teaching Maths (Form 1 & 2), English (Form 1), and Social Studies (Form 1 & 2)

The Soc. Studies and English should be interesting. I know this must be quite a shock to some of my former colleauges, and especially to my former students! But, I'm sure I will do my best and succeed. I'm happy not to be teaching science. (Trying to do labs in a school with little equipment scares me.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll do fine, I'm sure Conor. What does Social Studies involve? Not what we got growing up, I'm sure.