Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Some random thoughts of everyday things here in Malawi

When I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago, (not for me, with a student, and he’s fine) a rat ran across the room. Everyone saw it, but no one even commented or thought it was a big deal.

Several kids were out of the classroom for form 2 yesterday, and the class was just remarkably behaved (not that there really bad here, but they’re still kids) and easy to teach. I was thinking, wow, it’s so nice to teach when the class is so small. When I counted there were still 39 kids in the room, (that’s still almost twice the amount found in several suburban classrooms).

When a well educated woman saw me take my contact out on a bus in Blantyre she had no idea what I was doing. It occurred to me that all my kids would be amazed if I showed them my contacts.

The electricity goes out in Mangochi for a couple hours (sometimes more) about 5 out of 7 nights a week. We lose our running water almost as often.

I often get to see and hear my dinner moving around and making noise the morning before we eat it (I got to watch people slice open a goat yesterday).

I have a 21 year old in my form 2 class, and two 11 year olds in my form 1 class.

Okay, that’s all the random facts/thoughts for today, more later.

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