Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Zomba Plateau

As planned, I spent last weekend in Zomba. I stayed with Michael Hill (he’s the bearded fellow in the last Cape Maclear photo). Michael is one of the original MCV board members, and currently lives in Zomba working as the director of Orphan Support Africa ( He was an excellent host, and I got to enjoy a much needed relaxing weekend. (Working at MCV isn’t always quite as easy as I make it appear on the blog)

Zomba is the old colonial capital of Malawi, and is noticeably wealthier than Mangochi. But don’t worry, it’s still Malawi; the power went out both nights I was there. I went for hikes Friday and Saturday on the Zomba Plateau. The plateau has many peaks with spectacular views. From the southern peaks you can look out over Zomba town with Lake Chilwa and the Mulanje Massif in the background; and from the northern peaks you can see as far as Lake Malombe. (Yes, Malawi has more than one lake; Mangochi is actually between Lake Malombe and Lake Malawi). My guide, Kala, (a local secondary school student) was great. He told me many interesting things about the local flora/fauna and culture, and astonishingly he actually seemed to know what he was talking about. If you read the next entry on guides, you'll understand why I say astonishingly.
While I was away for the weekend, our school had a quiz competition with two other schools. 5 form 1 girls from each school competed in questions on Math, Biology, Physical Science, and Agriculture. Our girls won, and I was proud to hear that it was mainly due to the fact that they dominated the other teams when it came to the math questions. :)

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