Wednesday, April 04, 2007


A couple random things from life here at nyumba ya Sibale.

Faith bought the audio cassette of my favorite song here in Malawi, Gobedegobede. We then proceeded to have a dance party. This song is considerably better than the most popular song currently in Malawi, which consists of a baby repeatedly crying into a synthesizer.

The Sibales’ have a television which gets the one station available here, TV Malawi. TVM shows televangelism 90% of the time, and I never watch it. However, the other morning there was a program encouraging people to go visit a couple of random small towns in Indiana and Illinois. This, I had to watch. Who in the world is watching this and deciding that if they ever make it to America, they really need to go visit Lake Michigan. Adding to my personal amusement was the fact that they showed shots of Gurnee, IL, where my friend Sarah Ryndak is from, and Indiana University where some of my friends went to school.

By the way, the reason for me putting up a bagillion entries today, is that I'll be out of touch for the next couple weeks on a trip up to northern Malawi.

Salini Bwino


Unknown said...

C-Note, I miss you so much! I'm going to get a microphone for my computer so I can call you. Unfortunately, I'm on call for the entirety of your birthday (8am to 8am) so I'll have to wait until Sunday. Hopefully you'll have reception in northern Malawi. Have fun!!! Your blog is keeping me in stitches!

Timothy said...

Hey connor, this is Tim. Im the guy who used to teach you some Chichewa, unfortunately i left for the US earlier than i expected. I like your blog man. How is teaching? It sounds you are doing great. You write some pretty good Chichewa too. My email is so we can keep in touch. Keep it real and continue doing the tremendous job.

Timothy said...

One more comment, the picture with chambo from lake Malawi makes me home-seek. Would you please stop putting food pictures on your blog. Just kidding. How was your birthday? Kevin was gonna bring you a cake, which i dont really whether he did or he finished it all on the plane. That was his short-term goal. Thats what he told me. Keep it real Connor.

Unknown said...

It is now May and I'm just reading this...I'm an awful friend but I love and miss you Conor! And, hey, Gurnee is a fine place to you know about Gurnee Mills!