The last couple of days I’ve been just proctoring tests. This of course is rather boring, but the British English gives it an entertaining title: Invigilating. So now, in addition to being Sports Master, and Math Hero, I am The Invigilator. I think we need to start using this word more in the States. The invigilator sounds so much better than the proctor. (I’d rather be a character in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie than a character in an Arthur Miller play.)
1 comment:
I thought I ought to check this new word out. Having done this, I second Conor's suggestion that we get this word in circulation. Maybe use in a rap song would give it the boost it needs.
From Webster's:
Main Entry: in·vig·i·late
Function: verb
Etymology: Latin invigilatus, past participle of invigilare to stay awake, be watchful, from in- + vigilare to stay awake -- more at VIGILANT
intransitive verb : to keep watch; especially British : to supervise students at an examination
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