I haven't posted to the blog in a little while (ignoring the posting I made 5 seconds ago, in which I actually resorted to reporting State side events) and thought that my readers might be getting a little antsy; asking questions like, What's going on over there in Malawi? What do you even look like right now? The answer is that I am currently still with short hair and I no longer have a beard but am considering growing it back. People here weren't too keen on the beard before, but blog readers seemed to like it. Anyways, I decided that you the viewers should decide. You simply vote on the comments. Beard or no beard.
I of course realize that I am risking turning my blog into bad reality television, but hey, I'm keeping you all entertained in America, and frankly I need some entertainment here as well.
no beard
Grow the mustache.
I've enjoyed reading your blog the last 3-4 months but never posted comments...didn't have something important enough to say to warrant signing up for a google acount (I thought it would be a lengthy process but was quite easy) Your asking for a "vote" on your beard inspired me to take the "leap" into the land of "Blog"....so here is my vote NO BEARD or MUSTACHE
I've always been partial to a goatee. Is that a choice?
I think that the beard adds a bit of maturity to your baby face. However, now that I look mature, I think that it is overrated. I am going with Brendan for the third alternative of a goatee. Nice job, Brendan.
I say grow the beard until August, and then shave it to leave only a handle-bar mustache. Can't really go wrong with that.
No beard
Beard. Leave it on til you get home, show everyone how rough and rugged you are, then shave it off.
Beard (at least for now) but keep it more under control than the one in the photo.
Wait... is that even the same person? I'm kind of intrigued (and slightly grossed out) by this whole handlebar mustache idea. I wonder what kind of painfully honest feedback Malawians would give you about that!
I vote no beard. For multiple reasons.
One, isn't it too hot to have all that facial hair in warm weather?
Two, your face is too damn sexy to hide behind facial hair.
Three, you being able to grow a beard makes me feel like less of a man because I can't really grow one.
and Four, Slappy is the only one of our friends that is allowed to grow a beard. Because he's Slappy. Slappy's have beards. Condormans do not.
Hope all is well. Thanks for the bday wished and keep up the blog.
I have to say that Naveen's argument outweighs all other votes thus far.
No beard. Naveen's arguments are very compelling. You are the baby of the family so a beard doesn't work.
from left field, i vote no beard. too cliche.
bear. I mean beard.
Considering that fact that your not getting many women where you are, you can keep the beard. When you come back to the states, especially NYC, its back to pimp mode
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