Thursday, November 15, 2007


For anyone who reads the blog but isn't on my email list, I wanted to make a quick fundraising posting. (sorry for all of you who already got the email.) I'm trying to raise money for teacher salaries next year. We will need about $40,000 total, for 13 teachers. I am hoping to raise $15,000 by January, through small individual donations.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please…
Make check payable to: Malawi Children’s Village and designate the check for teacher
salaries at Gracious Secondary School.

Mail to: Conor Brady
4140 West Lake Road
Canandaigua, NY 14424

Or donate online at
When donating online, please designate for Gracious Secondary School, by putting Gracious Secondary School in the “in honor of section.” We hope to update the website soon to have a proper field for designating money when donating online. Also, if you donate online, it would be a big help if you could email me, to tell me, so I can make sure the donation was properly designated.


1 comment:

mayasu said...

Hi, Conor, you don't know me but I was living at Palm Beach, and working at MCV two summers ago (unfortunately i couldnt get there this year). Since I couldn't make it this summer, or during the year, I'm instead using a required community service project to donate bikes and money to the village. I don't know who you're in contact with in Africa (especially in MCV) right now but if you could help, or even if you just want to, any aid i can get would be really appreciated. If you're at all interested my email is