Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Njinga ndi mbuzi

A list of various things you can carry on a bicycle.

1.) Another person.
2.) A goat.
3.) Two other people (it helps if they’re kids)
4.) A kitchen table.
5.) Another bicycle.
6.) Two goats. (This requires that the goats are relatively small and well behaved, as you will have to hold one in your lap.)
7.) Several chickens. This generally requires some type of board/box to hook the chickens onto. The chickens may be alive or dead.

I’m sure the list could go on and on, but some of the items are less entertaining. You can also use a bicycle like a wheelbarrow, loading it up completely, and simply pushing it along.

1 comment:

Bcbrady said...

These thoughts have been shared with every biker I know (all 22 of them). I doubt any of them has carried more than a water bottle and spare tube.
(Hey wait ... I forgot the chicken wing!)
