Sunday, March 11, 2007


Feeling rather bold after successfully eating fried ants, I tried to eat fried grasshoppers the other day. Not so successful. It wasn't the bad taste that made me spit it out, or the fact that I could feel the various body parts in my mouth as I chewed. It was the combination of the two. Nick did succeed in eating one, and claimed they were alright, but I didn't see him finish the bag which we bought from the roadside. I don't feel too bad for not liking them though, many Malawians don't eat them either. I've still come a long way from my childhood days. I used to be so picky, I didn't even like mashed potatoes! Thanksgiving dinner for me consisted of turkey and peas.

Otherwise I seem to have actually grown to enjoy the food here. At first I thought it was fine, then I got really sick of it, now it's great. Sometimes I'm even kind of hoping we get rice and beans for dinner.

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