4/12/07 – 4/16/07
After Livingstonia, we decided to kick back for a few days and enjoy the northern lakeshore. We stayed at a place called Mayoka Village in Nkhata Bay. It’s a cheap backpacker’s hostel, with a great bar/restaurant on a deck that hangs right over the lake.
We didn’t do a whole lot here besides lay around and go swimming, but we did go cliff jumping one day. As you can probably guess from the picture, I was scared for my life. Sadly, I can’t say that I went into the water with style and grace; my backside hurt for the next few days.
Another remarkable thing of note in Nkhata Bay was that we ran into a bunch of other Americans for the first time in Malawi. Actually, some of you might recognize one of them! Susie (second from left) and I hung out for almost a whole day before we realized that not only did we both go to BC, we had met in a NYC bar last year!! This marks the second time in my life that I’ve met someone I know in a random country, the first being Leslie Hankin (a friend from high school) at a Mexican restaurant in Dublin.
After Livingstonia, we decided to kick back for a few days and enjoy the northern lakeshore. We stayed at a place called Mayoka Village in Nkhata Bay. It’s a cheap backpacker’s hostel, with a great bar/restaurant on a deck that hangs right over the lake.
We didn’t do a whole lot here besides lay around and go swimming, but we did go cliff jumping one day. As you can probably guess from the picture, I was scared for my life. Sadly, I can’t say that I went into the water with style and grace; my backside hurt for the next few days.
Another remarkable thing of note in Nkhata Bay was that we ran into a bunch of other Americans for the first time in Malawi. Actually, some of you might recognize one of them! Susie (second from left) and I hung out for almost a whole day before we realized that not only did we both go to BC, we had met in a NYC bar last year!! This marks the second time in my life that I’ve met someone I know in a random country, the first being Leslie Hankin (a friend from high school) at a Mexican restaurant in Dublin.
Do not tell me you jumped from there into the water!!!!!!
Your MOTHER!!!!!
Out of curiosity, I measured the drop to the water, assuming that the person on top is 5' tall (a conservative estimate):
43 feet.
Quite a drop!
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