Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tastes like chicken

The following conversation took place at dinner a couple weeks ago: (It may behoove the reader to remember that I complained about lack of sleep due to various animal noises in past entries)

Faith: Sorry, this meat isn’t very tender. Rooster does not taste as good as chicken.
Me: Wait. Do you mean the rooster! As in we’re eating your rooster.
Sibale: Ha-ha. Yes.
Nick: I need to have seconds. I didn’t enjoy that enough the first time.
Me: How does dog taste?

At another dinner last week I was able to enjoy ngumbe (sp?). Basically, fried ants.


Unknown said...

And did you truly enjoy fried ants? Are they available coated in dark chocolate?

Brady said...

ants and roosters!! maybe i should try that... you are looking healthy! hope you are doing well :)