Tuesday, September 18, 2007

MCV's Bizhub

No, MCV does not have a machine that is a combination emailer, fax, scanner, and copier. But we do have a room that is a combination clinic, nursery, and school.

The Form 1 students above are attending class in a newly constructed room at MCV. The room was added on to our clinic to serve (along with other new rooms) as a temporary nursery until the old one can be rebuilt. For the next couple weeks the room is being used as a classroom for the Form 1s while the Form 2s are taking national exams at the school. (Gracious is being used as a national exam test site, and students from another local school have joined our students to take the exams at the school. Teachers and non-testing students are not allowed on the premises, thus the temporary classroom in the clinic/nursery.) Don’t be alarmed by the fact that the students don’t have desks; they are simply all being used at the school for exams at the moment.

The idea of MCV’s Bizhub occurred to me because I am currently reading The World is Flat, (Thomas Friedman’s book about globalization). It is really strange to read a book about how technology is changing the world, and then look up and see someone walk by with a bucket of water on her head. Other than my blog, I don’t see a whole lot of evidence that globalization has hit Malawi.

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